
5610 Morton Road


Public Health

Student Illness

Parents are responsible for ensuring that sick children do not come to School if they are exhibiting signs and/or symptoms of illness. Please be considerate of other students and School personnel and help prevent the spread of illness by not sending your child to School with an infectious condition, fever, vomiting, diarrhea, sore throat, green mucus, continuous coughing or sneezing, etc.

Sick children (e.g., a temperature of 100.0 degrees F or higher, vomiting, diarrhea, skin rashes, sore throats, cough) or children whom the School nurse feels should go home based on symptoms, complaints, or past experiences with similar situations will be sent home from school. For fevers registering less than 100.0 degrees F, the parent will be called to discuss the child’s symptoms and proper action to take to protect the welfare of the child and other students.

The final decision to send a student home from School due to illness will reside with the Student Care employee. The School will notify the parent or individual listed by the parent as the emergency contact if it is determined that the child is unable to participate in a normal day’s activities or is suffering from a contagious condition. Sick children will be isolated from other students until they can be picked up from the School. It is the parent’s responsibility to ensure that the child is picked up within one.

To the right (below if viewing the site on mobile), you will find a list of additional Communicable Disease Resources such as:

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